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Webinar Guidelines and Policy

Aside from the licensed Zoom accounts issued to key UP Diliman Faculty/Staff/Offices, UP Diliman has one Webinar account which is capable of more than 500 participants.

  1. The role of the University Computer Center will be limited to the following:
    • Scheduling the webinar using Zoom, and providing the webinar invite link
    • Initiating and starting a short practice session before the webinar date
    • Initiating and starting the webinar on the scheduled date
    • Assigning the host role to one of the Organizers at the start of the webinar
  2. Role of the requesting party:
    • Provide at least one presenter and at least one organizer/moderator
      • The Organizer will be selected as the Zoom Webinar’s Alternative Host, upon whom the control of the webinar will be transferred to.
      • The presenter will be selected as a Zoom Panelist
      • Note: While it is possible for the Organizer and presenter to be just one person, it is up to the requesting party to make sure that he or she will be able to handle presenting and moderating at the same time
    • Organize the webinar, contact/confirm presenters and invite/confirm attendees, and disseminate the Zoom Webinar link.
    • Make available their own devices which can run Zoom
    • Make sure that both Organizer and Presenter* already have their Zoom-enabled account.
  3. Scheduling and Registration:
    • Organizer sends a request to the Computer Center (computer.center@upd.edu.ph, helpdesk@upd.edu.ph, or cc.upd@up.edu.ph) to schedule a webinar. The request should be sent at least three (3) working days before the actual webinar date and must be endorsed by the Organizer’s Head of Unit or Project Leader.
      • The webinar is confirmed once the request and its details are acknowledged by the Computer Center, and has been scheduled via Zoom.
    • As the Computer Center only has one (1) Zoom account with a webinar license, all webinars will be scheduled on a First Come First Serve basis and any previously booked time slot, including that reserved for a practice session, is unavailable for future requests.
      • Kindly refrain from requesting webinars that are scheduled beyond office hours or during weekends. If unavoidable, we will consult the details of your Webinar first to our Director.
    • Organizer provides the following information:
      • Date and Time
      • Duration
      • Topic
      • Description of the Webinar
      • Zoom-enabled UP Mail address of one of the Organizers
      • Zoom-enabled email address of the panelist/s (can be to follow)
      • Tentative practice date and time
      • Registration Type (choose one: No Registration, Automatic Approval, Manual Approval)
      • Livestream (choose one: Youtube – UCC, Youtube – Organizer, Custom – Organizer, None)
      • Recording (choose one: Local – UCC, Local – Organizer, Cloud, None)
    • If the Organizer opts to use Zoom’s Webinar Registration feature, indicate the questions to be asked on the registration form (e.g. Name, Email, Affiliation, etc.)
      • As the Zoom webinar console is not available to the Organizer, they may periodically request the current list of registrants for filtering or approval.
    • The Organizer may provide a link to a feedback form for the attendees to redirect to after the Webinar
  4. Before the Webinar date
    • The Computer Center will schedule the webinar and provide the invite link to the Organizer.
    • On the practice date, the Computer Center initiates the practice session
    • During this session, the Organizer/Moderator/Presenters can familiarize themselves with the platform and debug issues.
      • At this time, the Organizers should try out their audio and video performance, screen sharing, attendee control, Q&A, and other Zoom functionalities.
    • Computer Center will not be able to assist the Organizers in debugging their own equipment, including but not limited to audio and video, and network connectivity outside of DILNET.
  5. On the Webinar date
    • Computer Center starts the webinar 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
    • At least one Organizer should connect at this time
      • The Computer Center will NOT broadcast the webinar to the attendees without the presence of the Organizer, even if the scheduled time to start has lapsed.
    • The Computer Center assigns the Organizer as host. Organizer should now have control of the webinar and will be responsible for the webinar
    • The Organizer assigns the Computer Center as co-host.
    • Once ready, the Organizer may start the broadcast to the attendees.
    • Computer Center will not be able to assist the Organizers in the moderation of the webinar.
  6. Livestream and Recording
    • Upon prior request, a Youtube Livestream may be initiated by the Computer Center on the actual Webinar.
    • The link will then be forwarded to the Organizer for their dissemination.
      • NOTE: The Youtube link cannot be prepared beforehand and is only available once the livestream is triggered.
    • Upon prior request, a recording of the webinar may be initiated by the Computer Center and is available once done. The Organizer may get a copy of the webinar for their documentation.
    • All local recordings, whether copied by the Organizer or not, will be unavailable 14 days after the webinar. Cloud recordings are stored on Zoom’s servers up to 120 days after the webinar.
    • If a Youtube Livestream was requested, it will serve as the Recording as well and the latter need not be requested anymore.
    • Both the Livestream and Recording may also be initiated by the Organizer once control has been transferred to them.
      • Youtube Livestream requires special permissions on the Youtube Channel account, which takes 24 hours to update once applied for. It is up to the Organizer to make sure this is already enabled and working for their account should they choose this option
  7. Other Notes
    • *If the Presenter does not have a UP Mail account (i.e. not from the University), their account may still be added as a panelist before the webinar, or they can be promoted from attendee and rejoining the webinar as panelist.
      • However, the latter option means that the Presenter would be unable to join the webinar before the Webinar is broadcasted to all attendees.
    • The Computer Center updates this policy to reflect and define new details and functionalities learned through past webinars.
    • The Computer Center reserves the right to refuse hosting an unconfirmed webinar should the requested time slot, or our personnel be unavailable.
    • This policy is last updated 14 July 2020.

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