DILNET and Other Account-related Questions
A DilNet Account is a user account given to UP Diliman constituents that provides access to UP Diliman services such as CRS, UPD Webmail, iLib, UVLê and DilNet Wifi.
The UP Mail account is a service offered by the UP System that is powered by Google Workspace for Education, which can also be used to log in various subscriptions (e.g. OpenAthens, ArcGIS, etc.)
- Clear photo of UP ID or Government ID with picture
- Selfie with provided ID
- Current Form5
- CRS Screenshot if Available
- File your request via hrdo.updiliman@up.edu.ph stating you want to apply for a UP Mail account. HRDO will verify your records and may require additional requirements accordingly.
- HRDO will coordinate with our office on your account creation.
The CRS issues temporary accounts to recently-admitted students in UP Diliman who still do not have a DilNet account. Normally, they are required to get a DilNet account after initial enrollment so that they can continue logging in for the next semester.
DilNet accounts are usually have the format of the first letter of your first name, the first letter of your middle name, and your last name, sometimes with a numerical suffix (e.g. Juan G. dela Cruz would have a username under jgdelacruz). A CRS temporary account will have the ID number as the username (200712345).
- Your username involves the first letter of your first name followed by the first letter of your middle name then your surname. Ex. If your name is Juan P. dela Cruz, your username would be jpdelacruz. If another person already used this username before you, a number is added after the generated username like jpdelacruz1, jpdelacruz2, jpdelacruz3.
- You may email us at helpdesk@upd.edu.ph, attached with your latest selfie with your UP ID and current Form5/CRS screenshot.
- Please note we only reset passwords of students that are currently enrolled or faculty/staff that are currently associated with the University.
For students (enrolled in the current semester):
You may try to reset your password using the online password reset facility at: https://accounts.upd.edu.ph/lostpass. If that does not work, you may email us at helpdesk@upd.edu.ph requesting a manual reset of your password, with the following attachments:
- Clear photo of UP ID or Government ID with picture
- Selfie with above ID
- Current Form5 and/or Screenshot of CRS Dashboard if available
- Clear photo of UP ID or Government ID with picture
- Selfie with above ID
- Appointment paper
Unfortunately, we are currently giving accounts only to the following: UP Diliman students (enrolled in the current semester) and Faculty/Staff/REPS.
However, you may request for a UP Alumni mail account (username@alum.up.edu.ph) from the Office of Alumni Relations.
Please contact OAR for more information on the UP Alumni email. OAR Contact Details:
- EMAIL: up.alumnioffice@up.edu.ph
- UP TRUNKLINE: (02) 8981-8500 local 4252 (Staff) and 4251 (Director)
- UP Alumni Email Form: https://alum.up.edu.ph/database/
If you receive a notice that your account has been administratively banned , you may have violated the Acceptable Use Policy of the University. Some of the common violations that may result to a ban are using torrents that may be infringing on the copyrights of others, or network hogging activities (e.g. gaming). To read the AUP, please go to http://upd.edu.ph/aup/.
If you feel that you have not violated our AUP, please email us at support@upd.edu.ph.
CRS email address: support@crs.upd.edu.ph
CRS FAQ: http://crs.upd.edu.ph/faq
UVLê is handled by the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) Diliman.
UVLê-related FAQs: https://helpdesk.ilc.upd.edu.ph/kb/faq.php?cid=3
Support Inquiries: https://helpdesk.ilc.upd.edu.ph
DILNET-WIFI, WiFi@UPD, DILNET2.0 and Eduroam
DILNET2.0 and DILNET-WIFI has several advantages over WiFi@UPD, namely:
- WiFi@UPD has a speed cap and a session cap of 1 hour before you need to connect again.
- WiFi@UPD is not considered an internal UPD network and therefore is slower when accessing local resources.
- If your college’s journals are limited by campus access, it does not include WiFi@UPD.
- WiFi@UPD was intended for University guests who need basic network connectivity at the campus.
However, nobody’s forcing you not to use WiFi@UPD 🙂
Almost 90% of our clients who experience this have their DNS settings reconfigured to a custom one (e.g. / Kindly set these to Automatic/DHCP.
There may be several factors, namely:
- The access point may be far from your area. When you are closer does the network / speed improve?
- If the portal pops-up frequently, or you see your WiFi reconnecting after you leave it for a while, your device might have its power saving mode on (which saves power by disconnecting when on idle). You may turn this off.
- It might just be the website you are accessing. Try browsing on another website and see if that loads faster/slower.
- Is this a shared experience among devices and your companions? Some devices are built differently and may respond to our access points differently.
Nevertheless if there are a lot of you (e.g. entire floor or building) experiencing this, you may contact our helpdesk support channels. It would greatly help our team if we could get:
- The problematic location (building / floor / wing / room).
- When the issue is occurring?
- A screenshot of your speedtest (speedtest.net), if possible.
Eduroam is our WiFi network that is intended primarily for exchange students/faculty belonging to institutions who are part of the Eduroam alliance. Therefore these are activated on areas which instances of the intended users are likely to be at (e.g. dorms with international students, conferences, etc.)
UPD Webmail
Please send a formal letter of request addressed to the current Director of the University Computer Center. Include the following in your letter:
- preferred email address
- DilNet account of the the person who will be managing the said office account.
Your UPD Webmail username is the same as your DilNet account username. Please refer to the FAQ above “I forgot my DilNet account username”
Kindly see the FAQ above on I forgot (don’t know) my DilNet account password
The whole email (which includes your attached file and message) must not be larger than 6 MB.
If you’re a student, you have a storage capacity of 50 MB.
If you’re a member of the faculty or staff, you can consume up to 100 MB of storage.
For offices, they have 100MB storage capacity.
Individual requests for additional storage is not allowed.
However, offices may request for additional storage by writing a letter of request addressed to the UP Computer Center Director.
Your (newly activated account’s) quota display will not be accurate until you receive your first email message.
If you don’t want to wait for an email message, you may click on this link: https://mail.up.edu.ph/tools/recalc.php to calculate your disk usage.
Your sorting options might have been changed (probably by accidentally clicking the Subject, From, Date or Size column in mailbox view).
To change the sorting order of your mailbox:
Method 1.
Tap any of the header columns to sort by that field. See picture below:
Method 2.
1. Tap the gear icon in the upper left part of the mailbox. See picture below:
2. On the pop-up page that will appear, select the the column you want your mailbox to be sorted on. See picture below:
3. Click/Tap Save.
Answer #1:
To change the number of emails shown per page, follow the steps below:
1. Tap Settings
2. Select Mailbox View
3. On the Rows per page field, type your preferred number of rows per page.
4. Click Save to keep the new setting.
Answer #2:
To show the next set of emails in your Inbox, click the “Show next page” button located just above the preview pane. See picture below:
The compose window will only close if the message was sent successfully (i.e. unless you see an error, it is assumed to be successful).
Check your sent-mail folder, it should contain the message you sent (unless you un-selected “Save a copy in sent-mail” before sending the message).
If you clicked “Reply” on a message and sent your message, the answered message will be colored green.
The current system (01/23/2002) does not have a “sent mail successfully” message on the page. We are currently finding a way to reliably display a message that will inform the users if their message was successfully sent to the mail server (for sending to the recipient(s)).
If you incorrectly typed the email address of the recipient or the message cannot be sent to the recipient’s address, you will receive an email message from the mail server software indicating an error.
Answer #1. You mailbox size might have reached your quota limit. You will not be able to receive incoming messages if your mailbox is full. Delete (and purge deleted/empty trash) messages from your folders to reclaim disk space.
Answer #2. Your mail(s) might have been tagged as spam. Please log on to mailcleaner to check your spam quarantine.
Please check your folders for messages you can delete.
Try looking at your sent-mail folder by selecting the “sent-mail” folder from the upper right corner of UP Webmail. Then select the files your want to delete by clicking the checkbox to the left of the messages. Delete these messages by clicking “Delete”. Clicking “Purge Deleted” (or Empty Trash) would free up the disk space occupied by the deleted messages.
You might have clicked “Hide Deleted” (messages). Simply click “Show Deleted” (upper right corner in mailbox list view) and all deleted messages will be displayed. Click “Purge Deleted” (or Empty Trash) to reclaim disk space. To recalculate disk usage, click on this link: https://mail.up.edu.ph/tools/recalc.php
Click on this link: https://mail.up.edu.ph/tools/recalc.php to recalculate your disk usage.
Click “Options“, then click “Deleting and Moving Messages“. Uncheck/unselect the option “When deleting messages, move them to your Trash folder instead of marking them as deleted“. Then click “Save Options“.
You should now be able to delete messages (select messages to be deleted, click “Delete”, then click “Purge Deleted”).
When the server does not detect an activity from a user for a period of time (hours), it will automatically log-out the user. Unfortunately, the server will not be able to determine that you are typing a message and will log you out (If it takes you hours to compose a message).
To avoid this incident, compose your message in another application and paste your completed message in the compose window of UP WebMail. If you are using “Microsoft Windows”:
- Open “Accessories-> Notepad” and type your message (periodically saving to your local hard disk just in case you encounter a power interruption).
- From the Notepad menu, click “Edit-> Select All” (or CTRL-A).
- Then click “Edit-> Copy” (or CTRL-C).
- Switch to the “Compose” window of WebMail and input the recipients (To:) and the Subject.
- In the message body part, paste your message by typing “CTRL-V” (or right-click and select “Paste”).
- Finally, click “Send Message” to send your message.
Open the “Compose” windows by clicking “Compose” from the top menu. Click on “Address Book” under the “Options” (not on the top menu) to display a popup window containing your addressbook. Select an address from the left side, then click “To >>” (or Cc [Carbon Copy], Bcc [Blind Carbon Copy]) to select the recepient(s). You may select more than one recepients for sending. Then click “Ok”.
Then type in your subject and the message body, then click “Send Message” to send your mail.
You may contact the UP Diliman Network Helpdesk by calling 8981-8500 local 2050. You may also send your questions to helpdesk@upd.edu.ph